Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Want to See on the Big Screen

Last time I wrote a post like this, a few of my wishes came true regarding my favorite books being made into movies or TV shows, such as The White Queen (currently on BBC/Starz), If I Stay (I believe filming begins this fall), and Vampire Academy (coming to theaters soon!).  This week I am focusing on the same topic, but updating my list of books I wish would make their debut on the big screen.

Still Rooting For These Books To Be Made Into Movies/TV Shows:

1.  Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins- Pretty please?! I mean if you haven't read this contemporary, you need to.  Plus, it's set in Paris. *swoon*

2.  Summer series by Jenny Han - This is my all time favorite series ever and to see my favorite characters and one of my favorite settings come to life would be surreal. I've heard some murmurings about it being made into a possible TV show, but haven't heard much since then.  *fingers crossed*

3.  Jessica Darling series by Megan McCafferty- I still am hoping to see Marcus and Jessica hit the big screen.  

4.  The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen - This is my favorite Dessen novel and I think it would make a great summertime movie.

Some New Additions To My List:

5.  Die For Me series by Amy Plum- I heard that the movie rights were bought for this awesome series and I just hope that it actually happens and we see this one at the movies. Plus, I love, love, LOVE the setting of this novel -- PARIS!

6.  A Hundred Summers by Beatriz Williams- This was my favorite beach read of 2013 and I think it would make an incredible movie! The setting is right up my alley...an oceanfront community in 1938.  Yes, please!

7.  Out of the Easy by Ruta Sepetys - This book is one of my favorites and I'm completely drawn to the setting of New Orleans in the 1950s.  It would translate really well to the big screen.

8.  Unearthly series by Cynthia Hand- This series is one of my favorite young adult paranormal series and when I read it, I was completely glued to the storyline. I would love to see this at the movies.

9.  The Selection by Kiera Cass- Ok. Fine. I'll admit it. I am still mad that the Selection TV show on the CW never panned out.  A Selection TV show or movie would be the PERFECT mind candy. Seriously. 

10.  On the Island by Tracey Garvis Graves - So, I heard that this one has been optioned by MGM and I would seriously love to see novel be made into a movie. I think it would not only be romantic, picturesque, but also an edge-of-your-seat movie.

What books would you like to see be made into a TV show or movie?  Let me know your thoughts! This meme is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, so check it out!


  1. Out of all of these I've only read Anna! But I love this list!
    My TTT

    1. Anna is one of my favorites! Thanks for visiting, Christianna.

  2. I would happily freak out if THE TRUTH ABOUT FOREVER became a movie! It would be perfect for the summer. I agree with 1, 2, 7 and 8 too!

    Great top ten :)

  3. Replies
    1. I know, right?! I hope they make that one into a movie. I know there is talk of it, so my fingers are crossed. Thanks for dropping by, Juju!

  4. I agree with On The Island. They have to pick amazing actors though because it's a very emotional story and very character driven.

    My Top 10

    1. Yes! I completely agree. Thanks for dropping by, Braine.

  5. Oh my gosh, Anna and the French Kiss would make the best Rom Com, don't you think? I should have included it on my TTT. I love that book so much. :)

  6. On The Island was a great book. I can't believe I forgot about Anna and the French Kiss. Great list.

  7. I know! I was really hoping it would have. It would have been a guilty pleasure of mine. Thanks for dropping by, Danielle.

  8. I've only watched the first episode of The White Queen. I need to get caught up. The Truth About Forever would make an awesome movie...how has that not happened yet? I haven't read The Selection, but from what I do know about it, it would make a great film. Awesome list!

    1. Ohhhh...you must get caught up. It gets REALLY good! Thanks for visiting, Natalie!

  9. I think Anna and the French Kiss and The Truth About Forever would be great summer movies. While I wanted Vampire Academy to be made into a movie I have to be honest and say the trailer has me worried...

    1. I agree....the VA trailer was definitely a little too weird and not how I imagined it at all. I am officially worried as well. You are not alone with that! Thanks for dropping by, Christina!

  10. Etienne St. Clair and Conrad Fisher on the big screen - yes please! Imagine how gorgeous Die For Me would look as a movie!

    The CW optioned the Unearthly series a while back but the show never happened. Sad about that. :(

    1. You know I would pretty much die if Conrad Fisher made it to the big screen. *swoon* And Die For Me would be incredible. I had no idea bout Unearthly...that's a bummer b/c it would be a fantastic TV show. Thanks for visiting, Leanna!

  11. Good choices.

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