Sunday, August 19, 2012

In My Mailbox #78

This week I am sharing two books that I received for review.  If you want to learn more about these books, click the title and it will take you to the Goodreads page.

Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry

Thanks to Harlequin Teen for sending me this book for review.

The Kingmaker's Daughter by Philippa Gregory

Thanks to Simon & Schuster! I love Gregory and can't wait to read this!

The White Forest by Adam McOmber

Thank you, Simon and Schuster 

So what do you guys think? Have you read any of these books? Let me know! This meme is hosted by The Story Siren.   


  1. Ooh, I spy Pushing the Limits. I received it from Netgalley last week and I heard it was fantastic so hopefully you love it too! Happy reading! Oh, and your blog is super cute!

    My IMM-


    1. Thanks, McKenna. I hope you enjoy Pushing the Limits as much as I did.

  2. O I am LOVING That White Forest cover.

    I got some great MG from the library.

    How's the baby?

    1. Me too! The baby is doing really well. I am adjusting to my new schedule. I think I need to hit up some more audio books like you! Thanks for stopping by, Juju!

  3. Pushing The Limits is sooooooo good! I hope you love it!

    Also, I like the covers of the two books you got from S&S. They look good. I hope you enjoy them :-)

  4. Pushing the Limits is a good story! The Philippa Gregory one looks fabulous as well, and The White Forest sounds interesting.

    Hope you enjoy your books! :)

  5. Wow, I love the cover of White Forest and the story sounds really great! I still need to read Pushing the Limits but I've heard its amazing!

  6. Pushing the Limits looks really good!!
    Here's my IMM:

  7. I've heard many great things about Pushing The Limits. How did you go about requesting books from publishers?

  8. Great books, I just got The Kingmaker's Daughter and The White Forest looks really good! Happy reading!

    In My Mailbox!

  9. Hi, I am a new follower, I will need to check out this book! I'd love a follow back at


  10. ooh Pushing the Limits! I really want to read this one.
    my sister loved it!

    awesome books!
    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  11. Pushing the Limits! Woohoo! Enjoy that book! Everyone seems to adore it. :)

  12. I really need to pick up a copy of Pushing the Limits. I've heard so many amazing things! I hope you enjoy it. :)

  13. I'm reading Pushing The Limits off and on right now and it's pretty good!

    My IMM =)


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