Sunday, March 17, 2019

Stacking the Shelves and Giveaway Winners (93)

Can't Wait Wednesday: The Rest of the Story
Book Review: Daisy Jones and the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid

I'm sharing my thoughts on My Brilliant Friend by Elena Ferrante, which many people consider it a modern classic. I throughly enjoyed listening to this audio book and I can't wait to check out the HBO show based on this book.


The Binding by Bridget Collins - Thanks to William Morrow
The Girl He Used to Know by Tracey Garvis Graves - Thanks to She Speaks Up and St. Martin's


Life and Other Inconveniences by Kristan Higgins - Thanks to Netgalley and Berkley
Marilla of Green Gables by Sarah McCoy - Thanks to LibraryThing and William Morrow

Dark Tribute by Iris Johansen - Thanks to St. Martin's
The Silence Between Us by Alison Gervais  - Thanks to Blink YA

Congrats to the following winners:  My Blogovesrary Giveaway Winners are Vivien and Angela.  The winner of The Girls in the Picture giveaway goes to Cassandra

Have you read any of these books? Are they on your TBR list? Let me know your thoughts. Thanks for visiting! This meme is hosted by Kimberly at Caffeinated Book Reviewer.

Happy St. Patrick's Day,


  1. I enjoyed Marilla very much. It was lovely to revisit Green Gables from another point of view.

    I'm in the mood for a good novel. I shall look for some of these.

    1. I LOVE Anne of Green Gables, so I am excited to check it out as well. Thanks for visiting, Deb.

  2. I was so excited to win your giveaway, thank you!! The Girl He Used to Know and The Binding are both on my TBR.

    1. You're welcome! I was excited to see your name pop up! Thanks for dropping by, Angela.

  3. I see you are reading The Wicked Saints! I loved that book and I hope you do too! Happy Sunday. Sophie @bewareofthereader

  4. THE BINDING is definitely on my to-read list. Sounds SO GOOD and that cover is amazing! Happy reading!

    1. I agree! I love the sound of it too. Thanks for visiting, Gina!

  5. I’ve always meant to read My Brilliant Friend, but it hasn’t happened yet. Maybe someday. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. It's really worth it - a modern classic in the making. Thanks for visiting, AJ!

  6. I've been debating My Brilliant Friend before watching it. Maybe I'll give it a shot. I'm looking forward to The Binding. Happy reading!

    1. I definitely wanted to read it before I watched it since I read sooo many amazing reviews for the book. It definitely didn't disappoint. Thanks for visiting, Natalie.

  7. Kristan Higgins has written some very good books some would call women's fiction but they cover important topics. I've given up on Eve Duncan but I really enjoy Kendra Michaels.
    Enjoy your new reads.

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   


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