Sunday, April 25, 2010

Lost in Austen

It's no surprise that I love young adult literature, but I also really adore all things Jane Austen and I must share this Austen tidbit. Last summer, I came across a mini-series that was shown in the UK in 2008.  It's called Lost in Austen and it's about a modern girl, Amanda Price, that is transported into Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice.  Amanda Price is an Austen fan and her adventures with the Bennets and the characters we have grown to love are simply hilarious.   I LOVED this mini-series and recently watched it again.

I thought I would post about it, because I am not sure many people are familiar with this mini-series....especially my American friends.  Oh, I truly enjoyed it and if you are a Jane Austen fan, you need to Netflix this one immediately.  What is even more exciting is that there is talk of turning this mini-series into a movie!  I believe it is due out in 2011.  Have you seen this mini-series? What do you think?

Check Out the Trailer:


  1. I think I saw this movie at barnes and noble and have been wanting to see it ever since. It looks so good! Thank you for sharing.

  2. This sounds great! I had no idea and am now putting it on my Netflix list. Thanks!

  3. I watched this on DVD. I kind of liked it but I didn't really care for the girl who played Elizabeth Bennet.

    I am also unsure of what happened in the end. It has been a year since I watched it so my mind is a bit fuzzy.

  4. Did you ever read Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict by Laura Viera Rigler? You might like it because it has a similar story (only the Jane Austen characters aren't there, just the time period and a Mr. Darcy like character). It is really fun when the main character gets to read first edition Jane Austen novels.

  5. Christina T- I love that book! I think there is a second one- but I haven't read it yet. I definitely want to!

  6. Yes, I own the dvdbox of this series! I adored it! I think it's hilarious.

    I love the scene when she and mr. Charles Bingley are in the room with sick Jane Bennet..So funny!

  7. I missed this when it was on over here. I hope it gets repeated.

  8. I didn't love the main character but I did love that Mr. Darcy. YUM!

    My last thoughts: Best emerge from the water scene EVER!


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