Friday, April 22, 2022

If you love Outlander....


Can you believe it has been six years since I've updated this list? There's certainly been some Outlander read-alikes published since then.  If you enjoy Outlander as much as me, here are some novels I recommend that have similar themes or characteristics. Each title is linked to my review if you'd like to learn more about the novel.

1.  The Winter Sea by Susanna Kearsley - This one not only takes place in Scotland, but it also has two parallel story lines with one that takes place in Scotland in the 1700s.  I thoroughly enjoyed this historical tale. 

2.  The Cousins' War series by Philippa Gregory - George R.R. Martin often says that he got his idea for the Game of Thrones series from the real-life events surrounding the War of the Roses, so you know Gregory's take on this will keep you captivated. If you are looking for strong female heroines along with some romance, betrayal, and court intrigue, look no further than this epic series.  Also, I highly recommend the TV show called The White Queen (on Starz) for those looking for something similar to Outlander.

3.  Ross Poldark by Winston Graham - I love this show on PBS, but the book is also fantastic as well. The time period is great, the setting is gorgeous, and there's a beautiful romance as well.  I think fans of Diana Gabaldon would appreciate this series.

4.  Revolution by Jennifer Donnelly - Fans of historical fiction, will enjoy this YA tale about a modern girl who comes across a very old diary from the French Revolution and identifies with the author.  




5.  Into the Wilderness by Sara Donati - It's the 1700s and Elizabeth Middleton left England to go to upstate New York and meets an American frontiersman.  It's a romance with an incredible setting, but it also deals with serious issues like the fate of the Mohawk nation.




6.  A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness - While I didn't love this series, I adored the first book and its ability to combine fantasy elements, historical details, and romance. Have you seen the TV show based on the books?




7.  The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger - Henry and Clare's story never gets old. I read this book before I started my blog, so I don't have an official review posted, but this book shouldn't be missed! 




8.  The Bronze Horseman by Paulina Simons - Ahh! This book is so good! It takes place in Russia during WWII and it's all about survival, love, family and the horrible consequences of war.




9.  Highland Crown by May McGoldrick - The similarities to Outlander are definitely present in this novel, although it isn't quite as good. I liked that Isabella is a trained doctor in the 1800s and she saves Captain Mackintosh who ends up taking her to his castle in Scotland.




10.  The Lost Queen by Signe Pike - It's all about ancient Scotland, and the book gives readers a new take on the Arthurian legend. It's part of a series!




11.  The Vanished Days by Susanna Kearsley - This book takes place during the Jacobite Rebellion and truly you can't go wrong with Kearsley.  There's a lot of plot twists in this one, so buckle in!




12.  The Scribe of Siena by Melodie Winawer  - Time travel, medieval Siena, the plague! This one has it all. 


13.  The Secret by Julie Garwood - Judith is about to meet the father she never knew, Laird Maclean, who lives in Scotland. This is the first book in the Highlands' Laird series and it's perfect for historical romance lovers.



On My TBR List:

1.  When a Scot Ties a Knot by Tessa Dare

2.  Overseas by Beatriz Williams 

3.  Ransom by Julie Garwood


So, what are your favorite Outlander read-alikes? Have you read any of the books that made my list? Let me know in the comments below. 


  1. I love this list! The Winter Sea was such a great read. Overseas wasn't my favorite Williams book, but everything she writes is good!

    1. I agree about The Winter Sea. So good! Overseas is on my TBR list--one of the only Williams' novels I haven't read! Thanks for visiting, Angela.

  2. Omigosh. I love this post! A lot of books on here that I've already read, and while I've only seen a few early episodes of Outlander, I can definitely agree (based on the books I've read).

  3. Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander and Sarah Maas’ fantasy romance books led me towards my new love of adventure fantasy books with some romance. Currently reading 16 book series by Robin Hobb. Everyone who likes the fantasy or magic side of women’s fiction should try the first trilogy in the series, The Farseer Trilogy. You will fall in love with the characters just like in Outlander. GREAT on audiobook as well. The books are very long (also like Outlander) so they’ve been great for my work commute!


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