Friday, April 15, 2011

Off to Rome!

I am on spring break for the next week and off on my dream trip to Rome.  Things will be quiet here; I have nothing scheduled blog-wise for the week. I am taking "off" in order to unplug and relax!  Once I return, be ready for a fun feature I am starting for the month of May!

I will be sure to post a few pictures when I return.  If you have any advice for me, please share and if I already stalked you for information before, thanks again! And a special thank you goes out to Leanna at Daisy Chain Book Reviews for giving me all the dirty details of Rome, including where I can find my favorite beer, which I haven't had in a year since they only serve it overseas.  Thanks, girl! 

I hope everyone has a great week or a great holiday if you celebrate Easter or Passover.  Enjoy!  I am going to finally get to see some of the things I've only dreamed about and as Julia Roberts said in Eat, Pray, Love“I want to go somewhere where I can marvel at something."  



  1. Whoa that is awesome!!! Have a wonderful time!

  2. You're going to have a fabulous time - you can't go wrong with Rome.

    I definitely want to see pictures when you get back.

  3. Wish I had advice, but it would only be of the touristy variety since I've only been there once myself. But it's not called the Eternal City for nuttin'. Hope you have a marvelous time!

  4. Have a fantastic time! I would love to be going there!

  5. Eeeek! I hope you have a blast! I've been studying abroad in the UK and I'm loving it, but haven't managed to make it to Italy. Enjoy!

    Tara @ Hobbitsies

  6. Guess who's going to Italy too? *hi fives* I'll be leaving in a couple of days :) Hope you gave a great time!

  7. Wow! I am so jealous! I have always wanted to go to Rome. Hope you have a blast! :)

  8. Oh dear me! You haven't finished packing yet? I should get started with mine...

  9. Christina! Oh. My. God!!! I am so happy for you I could scream--that is my dream trip too. I'm so proud of you for making it happen and hope you have the most amazing time ever. Be sure and post some pictures so I can live vicariously through you :)

  10. Have so much fun! Enjoy the sun...and your beer! You're going to have an amazing time!!

  11. HAVE AN AMAZING TIME CHRISTINA! Hope you take a ton of pictures and can share some when you get back!

  12. Have a fantastic trip! See you when you're back. I'm looking forward to finding out what this fun feature is going to be...

  13. JEALOUS! I have a fantastic time! Can't wait to see those pictures!

  14. Oh, Rome! Enjoy your vacation!


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